About Us

Copy Direct has been excelling in the print industry since its establishment in 1997. Our team takes pride in producing high quality products, while creating excellent relationships with our clients. We go the extra mile to ensure you get exceptional service throughout all stages of your job.

You can be confident your print job will be delivered on time, and at competitive rates. Our dedicated staff are the key to providing outstanding service to our clients.

We regularly monitor industry developments and invest in printing and software technologies to ensure quality and efficiency. In conjunction with those industry developments we constantly review and expand our product and service range.

We use sustainable print best practices to recycle inks and paper, and our staff enjoy an eco-friendly work environment.

Copy Direct are based in Auckland, and provide print services and promotional products to the NZ domestic market and the Pacific Islands.

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At Copy Direct, our commitment is to provide quality solutions for our clients.
•    Quality Printing
•    Quality Merchandise
•    Quality Apparel and Uniforms

We are passionate about working with our clients. Our top of the range, up to date printing technology, our great communication and expertise developed since 1997 will ensure you have a great experience with Copy Direct – your print, promotional products and apparel partner.

Contact our friendly team for assistance today!
Company Details:
Copy Direct Limited
Phone: 09 579 5575
Email: print@copydirect.co.nz

Physical Address -
8 Walls Road    

Postal Address –
PO Box 74142
Auckland 1546

Copy Direct Footer

Founding Member of the Penrose Business Association.

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Member of the New Zealand Retailers Association.

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